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Securitas publishes Annual and Sustainability Report 2018

The Annual and Sustainability Report for Securitas AB for the financial year 2018 is now available.

12 April 2019 14:36

Organic sales growth increased to 6 percent and the operating margin improved to 5.2 percent.
Some of the highlights of 2018 include:

  • sales of security solutions and electronic security were 20 percent of total sales, an increase of 21 percent compared with 2017
  • two major transformation programs in the further digitization of the company were initiated
  • important acquisitions of electronic security companies.

Magnus Ahlqvist, President and CEO, commented: "In 2018, we took important steps and initiatives to put Securitas in an even stronger position. We have established good momentum as a company and team, and are now accelerating the pace of change to lead the transformation of the global security services industry."

Read the full report here

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